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District 100% Contributions Information

Our district governors decide each year what the 100% Contributions will go towards.  These go to the charities that our state and our district support.  The monies help those entities to do the work they do for the people of all communities—whether it is to a child that benefits from Texas Lions Camp from your community,  or your community is helped by grants from Lions Clubs International Foundation or Texas Lions Foundation during a flood, fire, or other disaster.  Members of our communities might be helped with a Leader Dog or the World Services for the Blind, where those who are visually impaired receive training in how to cope with their impairment, work on a job, or even to start a business for themselves.  The Texas Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center takes our used glasses and helps people in our worldwide community of underdeveloped nations with their vision needs.  Along with our District 2-S3 Charities, we help so many when we donate to these 100% Contributions charities.


Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) Provides grant funding to assist Lions districts in developing and implementing large-scale humanitarian projects. These humanitarian grants help Lions expand their outreach and increase their impact within local and global communities to serve even more people in need around the world.

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About the Texas Lions Foundation

TLF is an organization committed to filling humanitarian needs throughout the world.  As a public, non-profit, tax-exempt corporation, its purpose is to promote human welfare by careful application of contributed funds.



About TLC

One of the world's premier summer camps, the Texas Lions Camp was founded in 1949 and dedicated to the perpetual enjoyment of children who have physical disabilities. Today, TLC serves about 1,500 excited campers per summer and has provided services to more than 70,000 since its inception.

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The WSB Story

World Services for the Blind was founded by Roy Kumpe in 1947. With a $10,000 donation from the Little Rock Lions Club, Kumpe began building what would become the most comprehensive rehabilitation center for people who are blind or visually impaired.


Why Leader Dog?

Leader Dog is the answer for thousands of people in critical need of our services. Because we believe every person deserves equal opportunity for independent travel, all of our services are provided at no cost, covering expenses for training, room, and board, and travel to our campus from anywhere in North America.


Texas Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center (TLERC) is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation of the Lions of Texas, with the support of the Lions International Foundation TLERC recycles eyeglasses for use in Texas, the United States and around the world.

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