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Peace Poster

2022-23 Peace Poster Contest


We have had a good response from clubs the last two years, even with Covid.  Let’s make this year just as good with more clubs getting involved with the Peace Poster Contest.  You can order your kits now and up until October 1st of 2022.  You must have a kit for each contest that you sponsor.  Only the information sticker can be put on the back of the poster, no taped copies are allowed.

Get with the art teacher or leader of the group to as soon as possible.  It is better if they know right away and can get students on board in entering and working on their posters as early as possible.  Be sure the students are of the right age.  They must be 11, 12, or 13 before Nov. 15, 2022.  Teachers can access the LCI website to see past winners, which can give them an idea of the caliber of work that is needed to win.  Stress to the teachers that the rules must be followed exactly.  Make sure you know the rules and your judges know the rules.  Turning in a winning poster that has to be disqualified at the district level is not fair to other posters that could have won in your contest.  Measure the posters, make sure no words or numbers are on the front of the poster, and nothing is pasted or glued to the poster.  Have a prize for your winner and make a big deal about their winning, with publication in a newspaper or on a Facebook page.

When you have determined a winner, make sure you have the sticker filled out and signed by the parent.  You also need to have your club president sign and fill out club information.  Place the sticker in the lower righthand corner on the back of the poster, then send it to:  PDG Angie Nicholson, 100 Cavalier Lane, Liberty Hill, TX 78642 by November 15, 2022.  Be sure to send early or deliver in person.  Last year we had a poster that was postmarked Nov. 15th, but didn’t get to the governor until the end of the month.  The district winner had already been sent to the state.

The theme for this year’s contest is “Lead with Compassion.”  Give your teachers a deadline, giving yourself time for judging, getting the sticker back from the winner, and mailing it to the district.  We should have the posters at the Mid-Winter Conference to return to the sponsoring clubs.  The winning poster sometimes takes a little longer to get back to us from the state.

Good luck and we hope to see many entries in the 2022-23 contest.



Have good judges for your contests—artists, other art teachers not associated with your contests, and those who appreciate art.  Make sure the judges know the rules and criteria for judging. The theme for this year's contest is "Peace Through Service". 

 Here are some of the reasons we have had to disqualify posters:

  1. Student must be 11, 12, or 13 on November 15, 2021.

  2. There is a size limit stated in the rules—no exceptions

  3. The size cannot be added to with borders made of construction paper or mats

  4. There can be no words or numbers on the front of the poster.

  5. Nothing can be pasted or glued onto the poster.




Have prizes for your contest, whether it is cash or trophies, the students will work harder with incentives.  Make a big deal of presenting your prizes to your winners.  Get a picture and submit it to your local newspaper.  Put it on your website.  This is an opportunity to spotlight middle school children in our communities. 

Let’s all join in and sponsor this contest.  We would like to have someone from 2-S3 win the state and the international contest.


PDG Angie Nicholson, Peace Poster Chair

Peace Poster 2021-2022.png
2021-22 District winner—Sadie Brecheen, age 13, Hudson Bend Middle School, sponsored by the Austin Lake Travis Lions Club.
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