Global Action Team & Training

Global Action Team & Training

Global Action Team & Training

Global Action Team & Training

Global Action Team & Training

Global Action Team & Training

Global Action Team & Training

Youth Contests
****Each Award Instructions Follows Below****
****Ask Your President or Secretary to Forward the Governor's Email****
For forms and general instructions see
District 2-S3
“Diabetes Awareness Essay”
Contest Rules 2023-2024
“Knowing Diabetes is Fighting Diabetes”
Essay Subject
Diabetes is a growing concern in the USA and around the world. One of the reasons why the incidence of diabetes is rising is because of unawareness. As a society, we should promote awareness, and one way to do this is to educate young people about diabetes. What is diabetes, signs, and symptoms, and how can diabetes be prevented and managed?
In this essay, contestants are asked to define and write about the various types of diabetes, identify the symptoms and health issues related to diabetes as well as medical treatments available to people with diabetes. This essay should include information about healthy meals and lifestyle changes that can help individuals manage their diabetes or blood sugar. Contestants are encouraged to interview and include personal stories from individuals with diabetes, medical practitioners, or diet nutritionists caring for individuals with diabetes. The essay must be well organized, have good vocabulary and conform to required length.
2. Contest Rules
The Title of the Contestant’s essay is not required to be the same as the Subject of the essay. Contestants should be creative in the selection of an essay title and set the tone of their presentation with the title they choose.
The essay should analyze the problem given in the subject and present a solution or solutions to the problem.
The topic is broad and allows the contestants considerable leeway in the selection of their solution or solutions.
Creative, innovative, practical, and reasonable ideas are welcome.
Each Contestant shall personally research, write and read his/her contest essay. Pre-recorded presentations are not allowed for online contests.
Research for this topic can be conducted by interviewing physicians, nurses, medical professionals, community organizations and by using the internet and library. The essay shall be a written article, to be read by the Contestant, to be judged by a panel of judges in competition with other Contestants.
The essay shall not exceed 1500 words.
All words in the essay are counted including articles, conjunctives, and pronouns. Examples: “I,” “a,” “the,” “and,” and “an.” Provide word count on last page of essay.
The essay must include a bibliography of alphabetized sources used in its composition. Note: the bibliography is not included in the 1500-word count.
Essay should be typed in double space format.
3. District 2-S3 Contest
The District 2-S3 diabetes essay contest will be conducted in the English language.
Diabetes Awareness Essay Contest will be online and held January 15, 2024, more details to follow.
4. Awards
The first-place winner will receive a $1,000 check. The check will be awarded after the winner participates in the Drug Awareness Essay contest at the online state contest on May 4, 2024.
The second-place winner will receive a $500 check.
The Drug Awareness Essay winner will read their essay at the district 2-S3 Mid-winter conference in Hutto on January 27, 2024.
5. Rules of Eligibility for Contestants
A false statement on the entry application, or associated document, causes disqualification of the Contestant.
The contestant must be or have been a regularly enrolled student in a public high school or comparable educational program, located in Texas.
The contestant must be a Junior or Senior in High School at the time of the contest.
6. Responsibilities of the Sponsoring Lions Club
Each Lions Club is required to submit the following by email to the district 2-S3 Opportunities for Youth Coordinator Susan Fuchs at sjwfuchs@gmail.com by December 4, 2023.
Contest application (mandatory to be completed online and copied; no handwritten applications will be accepted).
Essay, including Bibliography.
7. For more information on the district 2-S3 Diabetes Essay Contest, contact Susan Fuchs at 254-482-0612, sjwfuchs@gmail.com
District Contest Important Dates:
Diabetes Awareness Essay
Deadline - December 4, 2023
Online Contest - Evening, January 1
District 2-S3
“Outstanding Youth Contest”
2023-2024 ONLINE Contest
“The Impact of Climate Change: A Complex Issue”
Contest Rules
Contestants shall be evaluated on a 750 to 1000 – word essay, their biographical information statement, community service, experience/participation leadership information, three letters of recommendation, their high school grade point average and a personal interview.
The following criteria shall be used for judging the Contestant:
Fifteen percent (15%) – 750 to 1000 word essay on the “
Climate change impacts are seen throughout every aspect of the world we live in. It’s interrelated on different sectors of society. Things that we depend upon and value such as water, energy, transportation, wildlife, agriculture, ecosystems and human health are experiencing the effects of a changing climate. Drought can harm food production and human health. Flooding can lead to the spreading of diseases. Human health issues can increase mortality. Climate change impacts differ between neighborhoods or individuals. So, what can we do about it and how should we cope with climate change?
In this essay, the contestant should reflect on different environmental issues, what’s causing these issues and what solutions are the experts recommending limiting the negative outcomes of climate change. The essay must be well organized, have good vocabulary and conform to required length.
Five percent (5%) – Grade point average from school transcript.
Fifteen percent (15%) – Three letters of recommendation.
Thirty-five percent (35%) – biographical information statement, community service, leadership experience/participation information.
Thirty percent (30%) – Personal interview. The personal interview may include matters on current local, state, national or worldwide events.
Judges shall be persons who are knowledgeable about community service and high school level leadership.
The Outstanding Youth Contest shall be conducted in the English language.
Contestants will not give any self-introduction but shall state their name and the interview shall proceed.
The District 2-S3 contest will be held online on Saturday morning, January 20, 2024.
2. Awards
The 1st place winner will win a $1,000 check. The check will be awarded after competing at the online state contest on May 4, 2024.
The 2nd place winner will win a $500 check.
3. Rules of Eligibility for Contestants
A club in District 2-S3 may sponsor one Contestant in the Outstanding Youth Contest. The entry application and documents must be submitted by entry deadline, Monday, December 4, 2023. Email all documents to Susan Fuchs sjwfuchs@gmail.com.
A false statement on the entry application, or associated document, causes disqualification of the contestant.
The first place winner will attend the 2-S3 Mid-winter Conference on Saturday, January 27, 2024. The winner will present their winning speech.
The contestant must be a regularly enrolled student in a public high school or comparable educational program in Texas.
The contestant must be a Junior or Senior in High School at the time of the contest.
4. Responsibilities of the Sponsoring Club
Each Lions Club is required to submit the following by email to the District 2-S3 Opportunities for Youth Coordinator Susan Fuchs at sjwfuchs@gmail.com by December 4, 2023.
Contestant application (mandatory to be completed online and copies; no handwritten applications will be accepted
5. For more information on the District 2-S3 Outstanding Youth Contest, contact Susan Fuchs at 254-482-0612, sjwfuchs@gmail.com.
District Outstanding Youth Contest Important Dates:
Deadline to enter contestant is December 4, 2023
District Contest will be held Saturday morning, January 20, 2024.
2-S3 Opportunities for Youth Contests
“Drug Awareness Speech”
2023-2024 Online Contest Rules
Speech Subject:
Opioid use is on the rise in the United States but one drug, xylazine, has hit the market with a vengeance. This is not a controlled substance in the United States which makes it more illicit and lethal than fentanyl. As you research this drug, please note what it is, how it is prepared, the side effects, and prolonged effects once it is ingested. Remember to include treatments and solutions to prevent your peers from using this drug.
2. Contest Rules
The title of the Contestant’s speech is not required to be the same as the Subject for the speech. Contestants should be creative in the selection of a speech title and set the tone for their presentation with the title they choose.
The presentation should analyze the problem given in the subject and present a solution or solutions to the problem.
Research for this topic can be conducted by interviewing school officials, teachers, judges, law enforcement personnel, probation personnel, counselors, juvenile court officials, legislators, medical personnel and by using the internet and the library.
The topic is broad and allows the contestant considerable leeway in the selection of their solution or solutions.
Sources of data and quotes should be identified by title, author, and date published (year if known).
Creative, innovative, practical, and reasonable ideas are welcome.
The speech will be from five (5) to seven (7) minutes in length and be consistent with the written essay submitted for the contest.
A monitor will signal contestants at five (5) minutes and at six and one half (6 ½) minutes.
At seven (7) minutes, the monitor will signal, and five (5) points will be deducted from the contestant’s score.
A speech of less than five (5) or more than seven and a half (7 ½) minutes will be disqualified.
Should a disturbance occur during a speech; the contest monitor will adjust the time accordingly.
Notes and cue cards may not be used at District or MD-2 State contests. Pre-recorded speeches are not allowed for online contest.
All MD-2 contests shall be conducted in the English language.
3. Awards
The 1st place winner will win a $1,000 check.
The 2nd place winner will win a $500 check.
The 1st place winners check will be awarded upon completing the State Contest in Amarillo, 2024.
4. Rules of Eligibility for Contestants:
A Club may sponsor no more than one Contestant in the Drug Awareness Speech Contest.
A false statement on the entry application, associated document, or violation of contest rules causes disqualification of the Contestant.
The contestant must be or have been a regularly enrolled student in a public high school or comparable educational program, located in Texas.
The contestant must be a junior or senior at the time of the District and MD-2 contest.
5. Responsibilities of Sponsoring Club
Each Lions Club is required to submit the following to the District 2-S3 Opportunities for Youth Coordinator Susan Fuchs by email at sjwfuchs@gmail.com by December 4, 2024
Contest application (mandatory to be completed online and copied; no handwritten applications will be accepted.
Written speech.